italian translation by Dr. ANDREA CECCHI, DC, DIBAK
italian translation by Dr. ANDREA CECCHI, DC, DIBAK
Joseph Shafer has practiced as a Chiropractic Physician since his graduation from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1980. He moved to Denmark where he had a private practice, but continued post-graduate studies in Applied Kinesiology, Nutrition and Sports Medicine.
He is certified as a sports medicine specialist and in 1991 became a diplomate in Applied Kinesiology (DIBAK). Since obtaining his DIBAK, he has taught muscle testing diagnostics throughout the world and continues to do so to this day. His teachings have brought him to the USSR and he was given an assistant professorship (HON) in 1998 and full-professorship status in post-graduate medicine in 2004. He has also a guest editor of Hans Garten’s English version book, “The Muscle Testing Handbook”.
Novel techniques & clinical procedures developed within AK
*K-27 – Over-facilitation/hyper-reactive states in muscle – 1984
*Jugular compression – Craniosacral challenge & advanced evaluation procedures for the cranium – 1992 ~ (Research paper of the year award for Jugular Compression in 1993).
*The glymphatic pump – Stimulation of cranial glymphatics
*Cranial Nerves – Evaluations
*NeuroInterlink – Advanced ‘ligament interlink’ procedures.
*Low back & disc – Evaluation & treatment procedures.
*The metabolic disc, bone inflammation, neural sheath & SI joint inflammation challenges.
* Piriformis syndrome – Differential diagnosis.
*Muscle spindle challenge – Resting, Concentric & Eccentric muscle tone.
*Retain Injury Patterns [RIP] ~ emotional reactions to injury ~ evaluation and treatment.
*GERD – The diaphragmatic crus, lower oesophageal sphincter (LES), phrenoesophageal ligament (PEL), and pericardial torsion evaluation and treatment.
*Brain Recovery – Traumatic brain injury evaluation and treatment protocols.
Evaluation of the cranial nerves is important for any serious clinician. Finding the causes for abnormal cranial nerve function is not always straight-forward. They can be structurally impaired (craniosacral dynamics) or compromised due to disease and/or traumatic brain injury. Finding the source of the problem and a specific treatment can be very challenging for the clinician.
Follow Dr. Shafer as he teaches how to diagnose cranial nerve dysfunctions in a most simple manner through cranial nerve challenges and specific AK muscle testing procedures.
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Via G.Ferraris, 40, 80142
Napoli (Italy)
tel: +39-081-360.28.29
tel: +39-081-200.758
Registration 8:30-9:00
START SEMINAR 9:00-13:00 e 14:00-18:00
START SEMINAR 9:00 -14:00
700€ – after 29 August 2024
800€ – after 29 August 2024
800€ – after 29 August 2024
To register, complete the registration form available at the link BELOW
L’intento dell’ICAK-ITALIA è essere il punto di riferimento per la pratica, l’insegnamento e la divulgazione della Kinesiologia Applicata in Italia.
L’ICAK-ITALIA si prefigge di far conoscere e diffondere la Kinesiologia Applicata classica e tutti i suoi sviluppi nel rispetto delle sue premesse originali a tutte le professioni sanitarie primarie così come concepito dal dottor Goodheart.
Corso Carlo e Nello Rosselli, 182
10141 – Torino -Italia
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*Iscriviti alla nostra newsletter per ricevere aggiornamenti e informazioni sui nostri progetti.
L’intento dell’ICAK-ITALIA è essere
il punto di riferimento per la pratica, l’insegnamento e la divulgazione della Kinesiologia Applicata in Italia.
L’ICAK-ITALIA si prefigge di far conoscere e diffondere la Kinesiologia Applicata classica e tutti i suoi sviluppi nel rispetto delle sue premesse originali a tutte le professioni sanitarie primarie così come concepito dal dottor Goodheart.
Corso Carlo e Nello Rosselli, 182
10141 – Torino -Italia
351 326 27 94